
Dirt road family photoHey!  Crissy Stevens here.

I suppose this is the part where I tell you a bit about myself.  Well, I live on a farm with my fantastic husband Mason, our delightful daughter Amelia, and Jones, the best dog in all the land.  Mason and I married Thanksgiving weekend 2011, and it’s been an adventure ever since. We’ve built phenomenal friendships, participated in wonderful churches, and traveled a bit of the world.  Right now we’re in that stage of life where our excitement is fairly domestic.  “Honey we don’t eat the dog’s tail” and “Look how hilarious she is eating peas”.  That kind of thing.

Besides the day-to-day highs of marriage and Stay-At-Home-Mommyhood (and there are many) here’s an incomplete list of my favorite things:

Food in all its aspects- reading cookbooks, grocery shopping, cooking, baking, eating, thinking about eating

Stinky cheese

Wine- both red and white, but never sweet

Travel- I’ll always choose to go somewhere new before returning to a place I’ve been and loved

Books- Opening a new volume is like embarking on a journey, and snuggling up with a love-worn paperback is like visiting old friends

Movies- Marvel, anyone?

Gardening- Fresh tomatoes and basil…yummmmmm

Budgeting- I know this is nerdy, but I really and truly love it.

But most of all, watching God move in my life, the lives of others, and orchestrate His glorious plan for mankind is the greatest joy I will ever experience.  I’m eternally grateful to be along for the ride, and though often my lessons come in the form of corrective action, I’ll never go back to who I was before Jesus entered in and took over my heart.  He calls me to Himself, stirs passion in my soul, and commissions me to love others for His glory.  If you’re a follower of Jesus, He does this for you too.  If you’re not there yet, know that God has something even bigger than your wildest dreams prepared for you if you should choose Him.

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