• Feliz Navidog

    The Art of Re-Gifting

    Remember that scene from The Blind Side when the Leigh Anne Tuoy is about to hire Miss Sue as a tutor for Michael Oher?  Miss Sue says, “there’s something you should know about me…I’m a democrat.”   Well, before you go on, there’s something you should know about me.  I’m a regifter.  At our house, we have a designated re-gifting area. Let that sink in a minute.  We literally have a tote of things we’ve received and for whatever reason aren’t using and can’t return.  When the moment is right, we shop the box for potential re-gifting opportunities.  Now, if you’re reading this and you’re thinking man, I put so…

  • Christmas in July

    Christmas in July

    Hobby Lobby has their Christmas products out.  It’s full on summer and there are nutcrackers in the center aisle.  Crafters may love this, but the rest of us sure as heck don’t. This summer I’ve also noticed several Christmas in July sales at furniture stores, clothing boutiques, and Bath and Body Works.  (candles, anyone?)  That Elf graphic crossed my news feed yesterday…22 weeks til Christmas!  Ya’ll (I’m borrowing authority from southern mamas using this word) it’s July.  Settle down. At 11:37 pm when my body was tired and my brain was loud, it struck me- I’m also preparing for Christmas this July.  The difference is that I’m doing it financially, not…

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  • Leftovers

    Leftovers: 10 Ways to Make Them Awesome

    Leftovers- boring, bland, beige, reheated.  Roast beef for three days because that’s what you made in the Crockpot on Wednesday.  For years, I slopped them on a plate like a 90s sitcom lunch lady, nuked them, and spiced them up by adding Ranch.  Bleh.  Now I make a plan for leftovers.  Fun fact: they don’t have to suck.  Not only do they not have to suck, but you can plan for them to be awesome.

  • Quiet Time outside- Bible Study

    Bible Study: Lace up your tennies

    Guys, I hate exercise.  Everything about it is terrible.  Racerback tanks, sports bras, sweat, cramps, burpees.  Bleh.  I’d honestly rather clean the bathroom than lace up my tennies. My entire life I got away with this attitude and could still zip my jeans and rock a sleeveless dress.  Then I had a baby.  (She’s worth it, but she rearranged some things on her way.)  Arm jiggle and muffin top forced me into a new chapter of habitual exercise.  And you know what?  It’s not the worst.  I’m no longer feeling weak and ineffective.  In fact, I’ve never felt stronger or more physically capable.  Anticipating doing something difficult was the biggest…