Sinning Like David: Progression
David was a Man After God’s Own Heart. The OT hottie warrior prince who wrote poetry, played the guitar and battled like a beast. David showed mercy to Saul (his murderous king and father-in-law), fought for the honor of his men, led with humility, and exposed his heart with vulnerability. He sought wisdom and deep relationship with God, and he foreshadowed Jesus. But he was also a dirt bag cheater who knocked up his one night stand and had her husband killed to cover it up. The Sunday School kids know this story. Check out 2 Samuel 11 if you need a refresher.
Bible Study: Lace up your tennies
Guys, I hate exercise. Everything about it is terrible. Racerback tanks, sports bras, sweat, cramps, burpees. Bleh. I’d honestly rather clean the bathroom than lace up my tennies. My entire life I got away with this attitude and could still zip my jeans and rock a sleeveless dress. Then I had a baby. (She’s worth it, but she rearranged some things on her way.) Arm jiggle and muffin top forced me into a new chapter of habitual exercise. And you know what? It’s not the worst. I’m no longer feeling weak and ineffective. In fact, I’ve never felt stronger or more physically capable. Anticipating doing something difficult was the biggest…
Fighting for Mighty
Empowered. Strong. Confident. The way I walk out of a cardio kickboxing class. Like I could take on any parking lot attacker as long as the right bass line is playing. Warrior women must feel this way all the time. Katniss and Tauriel and The Black Widow are always standing tall with their impeccable posture and perfectly out-of-place hair, exuding confidence that they can defend themselves and protect their tribe (and the world) with their strength. Is anyone else deeply envious of that feeling?