Psalm 119: Falling in Love with the Word
How blessed are those whose way is blameless,Who walk in the law of the Lord.How blessed are those who observe His testimonies,Who seek Him with all their heart.Psalm 119:1-2 This has been one of the most difficult posts to wrap my tiny brain around. I used to think of Psalm 119 as a really long chapter of poetry that pretty much just said the same thing over and over, as if David just couldn’t get enough of the sound of his own dreamy voice. Now, having spent 22 weeks camped here, I realize how rich it is. The reason I couldn’t get a grip and write the dang thing for so long is because I couldn’t choose…
Sinning Like David: Prevention
We’ve talked about the progression of sin, and the beautiful picture of repentance that Jesus gives us, but the third leg of this bar stool is prevention. Wouldn’t it be better to avoid the spiral and just not do the thing? Obviously we’re not going to get it right every time, but let’s bulk up on some tools that can tighten the screws for us a bit. Psalm 119 doesn’t identify it’s author, but it’s generally believed among Bible scholars that David wrote it. It’s the longest chapter in the Bible (176 verses) and the whole thing is dedicated to describing the value of God’s words. David’s Thoughts Here are…
Sinning Like David: Repentance
David was a shepherd boy turned celebrity king. His life was huge. He killed a giant, battled violent armies, hid behind enemy lines and faked insanity out of self preservation, recruited renegades and turned them into a military force, and ruled Israel for decades. David also sinned outrageously. We can learn a lot by watching the progression of his biggest mistake. He knocked up a military officer’s wife (Bathsheba), and had him killed in the line of duty to cover it up. BUT (and it’s a big but), he repented wholeheartedly. Psalm 51 is David’s prayer of confession for his sin with Bathsheba. It’s an incredible example of what brokenhearted…
Sinning Like David: Progression
David was a Man After God’s Own Heart. The OT hottie warrior prince who wrote poetry, played the guitar and battled like a beast. David showed mercy to Saul (his murderous king and father-in-law), fought for the honor of his men, led with humility, and exposed his heart with vulnerability. He sought wisdom and deep relationship with God, and he foreshadowed Jesus. But he was also a dirt bag cheater who knocked up his one night stand and had her husband killed to cover it up. The Sunday School kids know this story. Check out 2 Samuel 11 if you need a refresher.
Bible Study: Lace up your tennies
Guys, I hate exercise. Everything about it is terrible. Racerback tanks, sports bras, sweat, cramps, burpees. Bleh. I’d honestly rather clean the bathroom than lace up my tennies. My entire life I got away with this attitude and could still zip my jeans and rock a sleeveless dress. Then I had a baby. (She’s worth it, but she rearranged some things on her way.) Arm jiggle and muffin top forced me into a new chapter of habitual exercise. And you know what? It’s not the worst. I’m no longer feeling weak and ineffective. In fact, I’ve never felt stronger or more physically capable. Anticipating doing something difficult was the biggest…
Quiet Time Matters
A friend recently told me how romantic it sounds to wake early, cozy up with a steaming mug of coffee, and take time to read God’s Word in the quiet hours of the morning before anyone else is awake. She also told me that’s not how it works at her house. For her, it’s after the baby has gone to bed, after the dinner dishes are done, maybe in the bath because that’s where she can get a moment on her own. I used to get up at 6:30 and enjoy that quintessential morning with Jesus, and I loved it (“you sound like a grandma,” a coworker once told me). …
Fighting for Mighty
Empowered. Strong. Confident. The way I walk out of a cardio kickboxing class. Like I could take on any parking lot attacker as long as the right bass line is playing. Warrior women must feel this way all the time. Katniss and Tauriel and The Black Widow are always standing tall with their impeccable posture and perfectly out-of-place hair, exuding confidence that they can defend themselves and protect their tribe (and the world) with their strength. Is anyone else deeply envious of that feeling?