Fighting for Mighty
Empowered. Strong. Confident. The way I walk out of a cardio kickboxing class. Like I could take on any parking lot attacker as long as the right bass line is playing. Warrior women must feel this way all the time. Katniss and Tauriel and The Black Widow are always standing tall with their impeccable posture and perfectly out-of-place hair, exuding confidence that they can defend themselves and protect their tribe (and the world) with their strength. Is anyone else deeply envious of that feeling?
“I really believe in being mighty in the Word of God. If I want to be mighty in anything it’s in the Scriptures.” Pastor Adrian Boykin said this from the pulpit a few weeks ago, and my heart raised its hand and shouted “ME TOO!” I’ve never thought of myself as mighty, never even thought to attempt it. Mighty is out of reach, an unreasonable dream like being able to pull off high waist pants. And yet my whole being yearns to be strong, fueled by an unassailable power to defend, protect, advance against the hungry darkness of this world. So here I am, fighting for mighty.
Why Scripture Memorization?
There are approximately 10,000 reasons to memorize the Bible, and obviously we can’t cover them all. Here are my five current favorites, and you should absolutely define your own whys as well.
- It’s a command. We’re repeatedly told to meditate on the Word of God. Discuss it in our homes, share it with others, rejoice in it, decorate our houses with it for crying out loud (Live, Laugh, Love decals don’t count).
- It’s a shield. Jesus did it. When He was in the desert being tempted by the Devil, His defense was the Word of God. If it’s good enough for Him, it’s good enough for me.
- It’s a weapon. Listen, Satan has a quiver full of lies cleverly crafted for each of us, and without the Sword of Truth to defend ourselves we will buy in to them. Every. Single. Time.
- It’s a comfort. When my heart breaks, when I fail, when I’m soul weary, when the world is too ugly, when I want to crawl into a hole and hide, this is the only source of lasting peace.
- It’s a resource. Sometimes I don’t know how to pray. Overwhelming circumstances have shut me up, but they don’t suppress God’s promises. So when I can’t pinpoint what I’m asking, I speak God’s words back to Him and to myself. God’s faithfulness bears repeating.
Choosing Memory Verses
The Bible is a pretty thick book, so choosing individual verses or sections to commit to memory can be daunting. Instead of the hunt-and-peck method, it makes a lot more sense to come across things naturally.
- Personal devotional time. If you’re already spending regular time reading your Bible, then all that remains is to choose from where you’re currently camped. (Check out these study methods if you’re struggling with what/how to read.)
- Sunday mornings. When the message seems written just for you, pick out key verses from the service to chew on that week.
- Gospel verses. You will never regret having an arsenal of gospel verses locked and loaded. They help you share your faith with others, and they help you share your faith with you. We should always be reminding ourselves of the cross.
- Curated lists. If your kids are working on AWANA verses, then you should too. Lots of Sunday School classes have weekly memory verses. If you’re doing a topical study or working through a particular issue in your life, find applicable Scripture and start absorbing it. The Navigators have a great book of key verses called the Topical Memory System.
How to Memorize
Once you’ve chosen a verse or passage of Scripture to memorize, get to work. Don’t let it lie dormant, or your good intentions will end up under that pile of laundry. Do what works for you, but this is my process for memorization and review:
- Set aside time. If I wait until there’s a spare 10 minutes, it doesn’t happen. The best part about a mental exercise like this is you can do it while also doing something mindless. For example, I do my Bible memory while pumping after the baby has eaten. Other times that would work: on the bleachers, stuck in traffic, straightening your hair, when Netflix asks if you’re still watching. Build your moment.
- Pray through it. It’s easier to remember something you’ve had a discussion about.
- Write it out. I use index cards and a chalk board.
- Read the verse out loud. Turn the card over and repeat what you know, lather, rinse, repeat.
- Make it visible. Lots of people post their verses on the fridge or bathroom mirror. Since I’m in the nursery more than anywhere else, I write the verse out on a chalk board in the baby’s room. This also makes diaper changes more spiritual.
- Stay organized and review. I refuse to let my Scripture memory become as rusty as my Spanish. As your cache grows, review becomes increasingly important and cumbersome. I use Charlotte Mason’s memory box system and it works beautifully. This method is systematic and efficient (read: it doesn’t take forever).
Last week a friend of mine asked a group of us for prayer and Scripture to speak to a situation in her teenage daughter’s life. And you know what? All the other women had something to contribute. Six months ago I would have had to Google something to share. This time though I also had ready strength to offer. We banded together to encourage and protect part of our tribe. We were mighty.
I hope you embark on this journey with me, and that you “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.”
I would love to hear from you! What are some of your favorite verses, techniques, and resources? If you have questions, or want a list of verses that I’m working on currently, drop me a line below!

Mike Dornish
Great first blog! Way to go with your passion. Love it and proud of you. I’m especially thrilled about your desire to be pleasing to God and to by Mighty!
Thank you so much for sharing what’s on your heart! You are inspiring and your blog makes me want to return to journaling scripture! Keep at it and may the Lord bless you in every way.
Michelle Wurdeman
I loved this!
Travis Purkerson
I can see this being your thing! You did the most talking in High School Sunday School Class! Sure like what you have to say! 🙂
Kary Dornish
This is just wonderful. I want to know more!