• Food

    How to Roast a Chicken

    First of all, why should you roast a chicken when a rotisserie chicken costs $6.00 and there’s considerably less (as in none) work?  Because it’s delicious is why, and your house will smell amazing, and you will impress your husband, and you will magically transform into Betty-Freaking-Crocker if you do.  Promise. Don’t check out when I tell you there’s 10 steps, because 8 of these steps are insanely easy.  I’ll tell you which steps are hard when we get there.  Here we go: 1. Salt the chicken Rinse the chicken and pat dry with paper towels. Rub your raw, skin-on (and completely thawed!) chicken down with salt, inside and out. …

  • Quiet Time outside- Bible Study

    Bible Study: Lace up your tennies

    Guys, I hate exercise.  Everything about it is terrible.  Racerback tanks, sports bras, sweat, cramps, burpees.  Bleh.  I’d honestly rather clean the bathroom than lace up my tennies. My entire life I got away with this attitude and could still zip my jeans and rock a sleeveless dress.  Then I had a baby.  (She’s worth it, but she rearranged some things on her way.)  Arm jiggle and muffin top forced me into a new chapter of habitual exercise.  And you know what?  It’s not the worst.  I’m no longer feeling weak and ineffective.  In fact, I’ve never felt stronger or more physically capable.  Anticipating doing something difficult was the biggest…

  • Faith,  Finance,  Food

    Why Salt?

    Salt on the Table is the brainchild born of my need to create, and my desire to share what I’m learning, particularly in the areas of faith, food and finance.  At first glance it may seem that these three topics are unrelated.  But in my mind, theirs is a natural connection centered around salt.