The Art of Re-Gifting
Remember that scene from The Blind Side when the Leigh Anne Tuoy is about to hire Miss Sue as a tutor for Michael Oher? Miss Sue says, “there’s something you should know about me…I’m a democrat.”
Well, before you go on, there’s something you should know about me. I’m a regifter. At our house, we have a designated re-gifting area.
Let that sink in a minute. We literally have a tote of things we’ve received and for whatever reason aren’t using and can’t return. When the moment is right, we shop the box for potential re-gifting opportunities. Now, if you’re reading this and you’re thinking man, I put so much thought into that dog shaped cookie jar with the witty Christmasism on it and they’re just passing it on willy nilly I’m not talking about your gift. We love it.
Re-gifting is an art form, and must be treated delicately. I’m not talking about callously throwing a 1980s spandex bodysuit in a gift bag for Grandma. What I’m saying is, be resourceful with what you have on hand, and give thoughtfully to someone else who may enjoy it.
If one is going to re-gift, and I would argue that you should, there are some vital steps to take so ensure that it’s done thoughtfully, and also doesn’t blow up in your face.
Here we go:
Save the question marks and multiples.
As in, you don’t know where it came from, or you received more than one of that item (this is mostly an issue with showers of any kind). Put it in the tote- odds are you will have a shower to go to in the next year and dearest Samantha would love that ice cream maker.
LABEL who gave it to you.
For the love of Target, put the giver’s name on the tote gifts. Elf on a Shelf save you if you re-gift back to the original giver.
Buy cool things on clearance!
This is called pre-gifting: I don’t know who it’s for, but I know someone will eventually love this.
Visit the tote before shopping for a gift.
Check the box before you check Amazon. If it’s in the re-gifting zone, you don’t even have to wait 2 days for shipping. Nailed it.
White Elephant the bejesus out of it.

If you are coerced into a White Elephant situation, the tote is for you. There’s absolutely no reason to be purchasing a mug to get passed around 2-4 times. Just grab that nice set of dish towels with the chickens on them, and put them in a gift bag. Done.
Wrap it like you bought it.
Just because it’s a re-gift doesn’t mean it has to dress like one.
If you have guilt, throw in a gift card.
Enough said.
If there’s a registry, follow it. This is not a joke. I know you think they’ll love that DIY baby shoe bronzing kit, but I promise you, they’d rather have the wipe warmer. Stick to the list.
How does one wrap up a post about re-gifting? I guess by saying, share it with someone who may enjoy it.

Mike Dornish
Very creative and funny blog. Yes, I have re-gifted!
Amanda m
Love it!!!
Sarah Gann
that is the cutest cookie jar ever!
Kary Dornish
Who raised you??? Love this article. And you. Love, your mama.
Ah, you must think I’ve forgotten about…”the gift drawer” you had when we were growing up!