Cost Cutting: 22 Easy, Medium, and Hardcore Tips
If you’re anything like me, you’re constantly watching for ways to save a dollar. Also if you’re anything like me, you’re hoping this article is full of easy ways to magically save money with little to no effort. Hopefully by reading this you’ll save money by osmosis. That’s my goal when I click on articles like this one. Truly, I hope you find some osmosis-like savings here. Even more truly, I hope you find some fantastic ways to cut costs that make your life simpler. We have done most, if not all, of these things. In fact, we do most of these things on the regular, and it doesn’t even hurt any more.
Easy Cost Cutting
- Do. The. Budget. You will find money you didn’t know you had. Promise.
- Make shopping lists before you go to the store. Bonus points if your list corresponds to a meal plan.
- Brew your coffee at home. Get a (one) cute thermos to make you feel fancier if necessary.
- Cook more, eat out less.
- Drink at home.
- Here’s why: At a restaurant a 6 oz glass of Sycamore Lane Cabernet is $5.25. At the grocery store, a bottle of Sycamore Lane Cabernet is $5.29.
- Please don’t drink Sycamore Lane, you can do better. Especially if you’re drinking at home. (Sycamore Lane, if you want to sponsor the blog, I’m willing to edit.)
- Cut the cable. Use streaming services instead. You already have those too, you don’t need them all!
- Audit your online subscriptions. Odds are, you’re paying for things you don’t use or have forgotten.
- Cancel free trials before they turn into subscriptions (ahem, Pandora Plus).
- Quit the gym (if you’re not using it regularly. Once a month doesn’t count.)
- Do your nails at home.
- Garage sales!
- Shop with coupons and sales
- Keep a running list of needed items on your phone and buy them on the cheap.
- Note: If you didn’t need it before, you don’t need it now just because it’s on sale.
- Bonus note: If it’s not half off at Hobby Lobby, it will be next week.
- Buy off brand at the grocery store.
- Exceptions to this rule at our house include but are not limited to: cereal, peanut butter, and toilet paper.
- Buy used. Looking at you, baby gear.
- Love the hand-me-downs: clothes, furniture, kitchen items.
- Share the love when you have the opportunity!
Medium Cost Cutting

- Review your insurance policies. Can you get a better deal by bundling?
- Quit smoking.
- Share a phone plan.
- Buy in bulk for items you purchase frequently enough to make it worth it. Check the per unit price.
- See if there’s a Direct Primary Care doctor’s office in your area. Though they have membership fees, they are significantly less expensive overall than traditional insurance-based offices. Check out Click Family Healthcare in Kearney for an example.
Hardcore Cost Cutting

- Trade in your car for something less expensive to eliminate car payments.
- Pro tip: cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean less reliable. Check out vehicles with salvaged titles due to hail damage.
- Look at alternative health care plans. Traditional insurance isn’t the only option any more. There are increasing numbers of coops and Christian cost sharing programs that are reputable and much more cost effective.
- We recently made the switch to a Christian cost sharing program and paired that with a Direct Primary Care physician’s office, and are saving $320 per month in insurance premiums.
- Very important: Do careful and thorough research before making changes like this. Make sure your bases are covered before eliminating insurance coverage- no gaps in protection!
Well there you have it, 101 ways to save money. Just kidding, it’s only 22. When you start with 2 or 3 of these things and incorporate them into your daily life, you’ll notice a difference. Run with 5-10 of these and you’ll feel like you got a raise. If you only do one thing on this list, do the budget. And please, if you have good ideas, share them!